[[Quantum Enhanced Fusion]]
Developing **laser-driven fusion** as a solution for the global energy transition to zero carbon emission.
Inspired by the astrophysical phenomenon of **Supernova type 1As**, where extreme conditions can increase the probability of fusion reactions due to temperature-independent effects at the atomic level, we have developed a novel quantum-enhanced fusion approach.
![[Pasted image 20211026155314.png]]
[[Supernova type 1A]]
### Scientific Breakthroughs in laser and nano-technology
![[Pasted image 20211026160558.png]]
![[Pasted image 20211026160657.png]]
Two-particle Pauli equation
Without **external field**s we can still solve them analytically
with **constant fields** it is still possible numerically solve with **classical simulation**s,
since the equation then separates:
relative and center of gravity movement.
For **non-constant fields**, however, the quantum simulations would be super interesting and necessary.
We are currently evaluating **how well our model reproduces experimental data ** without fields and with constant fields.
So it could be that we have to further adapt our model later, and then possibly have to bring it back to the quantum computer again.